DT-X Extreme Autonomous Portable Scientific Echosounder
The DT-X Extreme is an innovative and versatile echosounder system that expands your data collection opportunities. Operate the DT-X Extreme as a portable system for mobile surveys, or as a fully autonomous system, ideal for ASV/USV surveys, surface buoys and other unmanned deployments, or for fixed location monitoring applications. The DT-X Extreme produces accurate, high resolution water column data and results for fisheries management and research, to study communities of biological organisms and physical elements of marine and freshwater ecosystems, including fish schools and individuals, plankton, nekton, mammals, birds, debris, oil droplets, gas bubbles and more.
- Operates with split beam or single beam transducers
- Data collection and analysis software is included
Mobile Survey Applications
- Scientific Fisheries Echosounder
- Fish Stock Assessment
- Population Estimates
- Size Distribution
- Total Biomass Estimates
- Vertical and Horizontal Distribution
- Behavioral Studies
- Plankton Biomass / Vertical Migration
- Predator / Prey Relationships
- Fish Schools, Individual Fish (all size classes), Plankton, Marine Mammals
- Physical Oceanographic Measurements; Boundary, Mixing and Coherent Structure Detection
- Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASV), Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), ships of opportunity, unattended fish stock assessment mobile surveys and reporting
Fixed Location Monitoring Applications
- Remote sites on rivers, dams, locks, cooling water intakes, for unattended monitoring and reporting.
- Monitor fish passage and entrainment, upstream and downstream migration
- Fish counting and sizing
- 316(b) entrainment and impingement assessment
- Monitor debris and vegetation entrainment
- Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASV), ships of opportunity, unattended fish stock assessment mobile surveys and reporting
- Moored surface buoy deployments for unattended water column monitoring and reporting