- Depth rated pressure housing
- Multi-frequency, multi-channel transducer configurations for species identification
- 38, 70, 120, 200, 420, 1000 kHz split beam and single beam
- Simultaneous transmission an all frequencies
- Battery operated; Programmable duty cycle for power conservation
- All data automatically logged -terabyte data storage capacity
- Compatible with non-continuous power supplies, automated shutdown and reboot based on power availability
- Side-looking, up-looking, or down-looking configurations for complete vertical and horizontal water column coverage.
- Integrated transducer orientation sensor (pitch and roll) included for verification of transducer aim
- Automatic target detection
- Low bandwidth data summary reports sent over acoustic modem satellite networks
- Integrated pan & tilt system for programmable sector scanning
- Automated reporting; target strength, echo counting, echo integration, SV, 3-D fish and marine mammal tracking
- Raw data storage for post processing ; Echoview, Sonar5, BioSonics