For more info:
For studying the bipolar switching power transistor. It includes a PWM signal generator circuit for transistor control, which generates the input signal to the basic circuit (DRIVER), obtaining a 4 KHz rectangular signal with a variable duty cycle according to the useraccessible PWM potentiometer and Ton selector incorporated.
Equipped with a switching aid circuit via an antisaturation diode.
Didactic module to study the switching behaviour of the MOSFET power transistor, including a MOSFET module, as well as its control circuitry.
To control the MOSFET, a PWM signal generator is used which generates the input signal to the gate circuit (DRIVER); the latter is a rectangular
10 KHz. signal with a variable Ton of between 25 and 80 μsec, depending on the PWM potentiometer.
Didactic module to study the switching behaviour of the IGBT (insulated gate bipolar transistor), included on the power IGBT module, as well as its control circuitry. To control the IGBT, a PWM signal generator is used which generates the input signal to the gate circuit (DRIVER), the latter is a rectangular 8 KHz. signal with a variable Ton of between 25 and 100 μsec, depending on the accessible potentiometer.
Didactic module to study the switching behaviour of the power thyristor, including a thyristor module, as well as its control circuitry. To control the thyristor, a PWM signal generator is used which generates the input signal to the gate circuit (DRIVER); the latter is a rectangular 350 Hz. signal with a variable Ton of between 0.6 and 2.3 μsec, depending on the PWM potentiometer.
The DRIVER block generates pulses for the power thyristor gate, as well as for the auxiliary thyristor of the integrated forced commutation circuit.
Elements REQUIRED:
Ref.: MDULTRS200
Ref.: MDULMFT200
Ref.: MDULGTR200
Ref.: MDULSCR200