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Software Kaptoris

Features of the software

  • Simple data analysis, very easy to use.
  • Graphic display of signals.
  • Real time monitoring of the data as it is acquired.
  • Programming by level or by time the start of the acquisition.
  • Comparative analysis of signals.
  • Operations between signals: Integration, derivation, arithmetical operations, filters.
  • Generation of reports and data tables.
  • Exporting data to TXT format.
  • Exporting graphics to BMP, WMF format.
  • Data acquisition from a unit with a remote connection through a local network. (Internet).
  • Monitoring the screen of any PC connected to the network.


General purpose tool for acquiring, displaying and processing signals, both analogue and digital.



logo kaptoris

Minimum requirements of the system

  • PC with Windows operating system.
  • USB communication line.
  • Local network, only if wishing to make remote acquisitions.

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