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HM 162


Technical Description

Hydraulic engineering is a crucial part of engineering. How do we achieve the necessary river depth for ships? How does open-channel flow change during flooding? How far upstream do measures such as control structures have an effect? How can the discharge at barrages be calculated? By using experimental flumes in laboratories it is possible to teach the basic knowledge required to understand the answers to these questions and to develop possible solutions.  

The experimental flume HM 162 with a closed water circuit has a cross-section of 309x450mm. The length of the experimental section is between 5m and – with further extension elements HM 162.10 – a maximum of 12,5m. The side walls of the experimental section are made of tempered glass, which allows excellent observation of the experiments. All components that come into contact with water are made of corrosion-resistant materials (stainless steel, glass reinforced plastic). The inlet element is designed so that the flow enters the experimental section with very little turbulence.

The inclination of the experimental flume can be finely adjusted to allow simulation of slope and to create a uniform flow at a constant discharge depth.

A wide selection of models, such as weirs, piers, flow-measuring flumes or a wave generator are available as accessories and ensure a comprehensive programme of experiments. Most models are quickly and safely bolted to the bottom of the experimental section.

The well-structured instructional material sets out the fundamentals and provides a step-by-step guide through the experiments.

Learning Objectives / Experiments

Together with optionally available models
- uniform and non-uniform discharge
- flow formulae
- flow transition (hydraulic jump)
- energy dissipation (hydraulic jump, stilling basin)
- flow over control structures 
  * weirs (sharp-crested, broad-crested, ogee-crested)
  * discharge under gates
- flow-measuring flumes
- local losses due to obstacles
- transient flow: waves
- vibrating piles
- sediment transport


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