For more info:
It is not necessary to start from scratch to set up the tests. DIANA is distributed with a complete library of activities designed and developed by experts, including:
Tests for AC, DC electric machines and transformers.
DIANA is full of content on electrical machines!
DIANA licenses can be hardware or Internet licenses:
DIANA is an advanced electrical machines simulator with a very complete activity library.Visual configuration of the test with real elements.
You can enter a title and description that includes images about the activity.
The user sets the elements that will take part in the test.
It includes the interconnection and instrumentation os the different elements.
It has a conceptual diagram and a real view of each element.
Setting the duration, the frecuency of the samples and other time parameters is easy.
It helps setting each output signal forma and values (units, signal shape and its timer).
Once the definition of the elements is complete, it is the moment of running the test.
The input and output can be monitored during the test.
There are two options for running the test, tu use the simulators or the real test bench ProLAB.
DIANA’s advanced machine simulators offer a very real and accurate result with no need for any hardware.
Each test generates a set of signals.
Using DIANA you can view, operate, compare and apply filters to the signals obtaining the values you need to get your conclusions about the results.
A DIANA wizard generates personalised reports on the work carried out with graphic and numerical information.