Analysis of the working of the different sensors and their association in the different automobile systems.
Testing electrical/electronic signals without voltage and under voltage.
Diagnosis of faults in the sensors: Lack of supply, broken sensor, short circuit to mass or to positive of the sensor, failure in the bus of communication of the sensor (CAN-LIN) etc.
Equipment conceived to study different sensors, depending on technologies, types ofregulation, capturing parameters and means of transmission of information used in the different electrical electronic systems which can be found at present in a vehicle. Thanks to these sensors the electronic systems receive information of the physical and or chemical magnitudes necessary through the ECU in order to make the calculations required to start the different actuators working. The actuators will be in charge of producing the physical variations whichmake the different electromechanical components of the vehicle work. The equipment has 12 sensors, similar to those actually used in the car (CKP-CMP-MAF- MAP etc.) through which and thanks to the combination of different technologies used in their construction a high number vehicle sensors can be studied. Some of the signal reception elements can be connected to the UCE ADA304 application, and along with the ADA305 actuator they make the equipment form a complete electronic control system.
Technical characteristics
Autonomous equipment for the study of sensors in a car.
The equipment includes sensors using different types of technology: