For more info:
Ref.: 9EQ300AA6C – 230 V
Ref.: 9EQ300AA3C – 115 V
The purpose of this equipment is to familiarise students, in a flexible way, with basic electricity in general and, more specifically, its application in cars. The application can be used to analyse and check different basic electric circuits as well as their components without wasting any time on assembly and dismantling. The configuration of the circuit to be analysed is carried out quickly by means of connection bridges. The equipment enables also the generation of faults in several of the circuit’s components. However, if you want to extend some activities, the application has a complementary circuit assembly board. This board enables electric/ electronic elements to be interconnected (resistances, capacitors, diodes, etc.) in a quick and easy way without the need to solder the components, making it possible to reuse the components for several different assemblies.